Why Us?

CCRL facilities ownership and transfers of commodity-assets electronically. Towards this demat accounts are opened for various customer groups like farmers, Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs), processors, manufacturers, traders etc. to obtain electronic Negotiable Warehouse receipts (eNWRs) or electronic Non-negotiable Warehouse Receipts (eNNWRs).

  1. Issuance of eNWRs (or eNNWRs) by Repositories is a highly regulated activity which protects customers from multiple risks associated with traditional physical warehouse receipts like, fraudulent issuance of warehouse receipts without receipt of goods, or over-statement of value or quality of goods, fraudulent issuance of duplicate warehouse receipts, loss, mutilation, tampering or fudging of information in warehouse receipts etc.
  2. CCRL draws significant advantage from its parent CDSL’s expertise in operating a highly developed electronic platform for supporting securities markets as a Depository.
  3. All transactions on the CCRL platform are electronic and secured with ‘authorization code’, effectively ruling out any transaction without client’s knowledge.
  4. Immediate SMS and email notifications are sent to client for each update.
  5. Holding statements and other reports are readily available with Repository Participant (RP), client and warehouse.
  6. Once a transaction is initiated, the same receipt cannot be used for any other transaction. It is not available in ‘free-balance’ of client’s account.
  7. Banks, Warehouses and Assayers can create multiple users based on their internal authority to operate. Each user can be discretely given selected rights by the Administrator user of the entity.
  8. CCRL application is web-based and thus, can be operated from any device having internet connection. It does not require any software installation and hence, does not occupy memory/ space of the device used.
  9. Daily reconciliation of goods stored with Warehouse is in place. Any discrepancy is immediately reported to WDRA.
  10. eNWRs are stored/ recorded in digital form and there is no human intervention at any stage and hence, it eliminates chances of manipulation.
  11. eNWRs help farmers/ depositors to have access to a large number of buyers nationwide with better bargaining powers as well as easy online stock transfer to buyers.
  12. India is a country where agricultural produce is seasonal. Harvesting is done in a particular season, but goods are stored and traded over multiple trade cycles. eNWRs enable multiple ownership transfers without physical transfer of goods.
  13. CCRL provides an efficient clearing, settlement and delivery system with complete transparency.

The IT infrastructure of CCRL is robust and secure and is at the core of repository-service. As mentioned earlier, CCRL draws significant advantage from its parent CDSL’s expertise and evolved practices in operating a highly developed electronic platform for securities markets operations as a Depository. Compliance to highest standards and risk management areas are also adequately addressed in the process of technology adoption. The core repository-application has been built and been continuously enhanced and enriched adopting new technologies. Introducing new products, features and functionality into the system is a continuous process wherein products / services enhancements, customer convenience, revenue earnings potential, cost savings potential and regulatory policies decide the priorities of such enhancements being taken up for implementation.

  1. Software – CCRL has deployed its core repository system based on a centralized architecture due to which data is available to the user instantaneously. The system can be accessed over internet as well as intranet though secure channel after user authentication at login-in.
  2. Hardware – CCRL has deployed state-of-the-art server hardware and highly resilient network infrastructure. These systems are highly scalable, reliable and robust. CCRL has been continuously undertaking capacity enhancement measures so as to effectively meet the requirements of increased users and increasing utilization of hardware resources with increase in business volumes. The systems are deployed at best-in-class data-centre facilities.
  3. Database architecture – CCRL has gone in for a centralized database system. This architecture provides distinct advantages to the users wherein the initial set-up cost for Warehouseman, Warehouses and Repository Participants is low compared to the decentralized set up in which local infrastructure, database licenses and trained systems manpower are required at the financial intermediary end. Since, database is managed centrally, strong security controls are in place. Information on client's eNWRs holdings is available to the Repository Participant and Warehouse instantly.
  4. Disaster recovery – From the business continuity angle, CCRL has in place, a robust system with multiple back-up levels including a redundant fail-over cluster and a DRS, located at a different seismic zone. Consequently, in the event of a disaster at the main site, users connected to the CCRL connectivity network viz. Repository Participants (RPs), Clearing Corporations and Warehouseman or Warehouses can electronically connect to the DRS for seamlessly carrying on day-to-day operations. The routine DR drill switchover to DRS and back is seamless and does not require any configuration changes at the user end.
  5. Information security – An effective Information Security Management System (ISMS) protects information throughout the life span, from its initial creation to its final disposal. All data and information is protected while it is in motion and at rest. CCRL has committed itself to highest level of information security practices and is committed to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all its information, in any form whatsoever. Towards this end, CCRL’s holding company CDSL has complied with ISO 27001 Standards and has been awarded the coveted ISO 27001 certificate by the leading certification body.
  6. Business continuity – CCRL is committed to ensure an effective Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) as a mechanism to restore and deliver seamless services at an acceptable level in the event of any disruption. CCRL’s holding company CDSL is one of the few depository institutions in the world to be awarded ISO 22301 certification for Business Continuity Management Systems in June 2013. CCRL applies suitable methods to monitor the BCMS implemented within the organization. The organization constantly strives to improve the effectiveness of its BCMS by adopting system control processes.